Friday, April 3, 2015

Karnak, Awesome Historic Complex in Egypt

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Karnak is a historic complex located in Egypt that houses ancient ruined temples. These beautiful temples dating from the time of the era of Pharoah Ramses II, from around 1391-1351 BC. At that time this area was one of the most important places of worship. The Great Temple of Amun was one of the largest buildings at the time. The Karnak Temple Complex is located near Luxor, south of Cairo, Egypt. This archaeological site is one of the most visited and most historical area in the world after the Giza Pyramids. Credit :
Image by kairoinfo4u via Flickr
Image by spikewerx via Flickr
Image by spikewerx via Flickr
Image by kairoinfo4u via Flickr
Image by kairoinfo4u via Flickr


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