Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Guatemala is amazing places in the world

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Guatemala is a beautiful places in American and have a lot person live there . The area boasts a rich heritage in American as well as beautiful views offered by Mother Nature. Many believe that this is a beautiful places and one of the most insecure countries in the world . Guatemala is amazing places that have a lot person go to visit there. Below you can see amazing photos of Guatemala that will gonna make you want to visit there . enjoy beautiful places in American that you can see below . if you want to visit there?

Lake Atitlan

Image by Pedro Szekely via Flickr

Semuc Champey Guatemala

Image by BORIS G via Flickr
Image by BORIS G via Flickr

Temple of the Great Jaguar

Image by Dennis Jarvis via Flickr

The Tikal Maya ruins

Image by Pedro Szekely via Flickr


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